


Data Transfer

Purchase Devices

Starter Kit


QHow to make the pairing?

AAs soon as inserting the batteries, the device will automatically start the paring process.
If your Telehealth service receiver asks for PIN code, enter 6 digits of PIN code to complete the pairing. The PIN code can be scanned into the system and linked to the patient ID, so that the pairing can be done right after the powering on.

QWhere can I get the PIN code?

AIt is a 6-digit number that is printed on the rating label at the bottom of the device, as well as on the top of the box. ExamplePIN:"123456".

QIf the paring failed and I try to make it again, but nothing happens by inserting batteries after removing them. What should I do?

APress START/STOP button 2-3 times before inserting batteries again. The problem should be taken care of.

Data Transfer

QWhen there are multiple un-sent measured data stored in the memory, how is the data transmission handled?

AThe oldest data is sent first followed by the next oldest data in First In First Out (FIFO) order until all stored data has been transferred.
This is described in the "Blood Pressure Service" specification in the Bluetooth SIG.

QIf the transmission is interrupted before completing all data sending, will the un-sent data be sent again?

AYes, all un-sent data will be transmitted with new measured data (if exist) on the next connection.
However if the number of un-sent data exceeds 100, the oldest data is erased when new measurement is done.

QIs it possible to send data again?

ANo, once it is sent, it will never be sent again, because that it is removed from the memory.

QIs it possible to send one of multiple un-sent data?

ANo, all un-sent data is always sent together.

Purchase Devices

QIn which countries are these products available?

ARefer to Country tab of each product.

Starter Kit

QWhat OS and smart phone does the sample application support?

ARefer to "Supported smartphone devices list".

QCan I convert sample application source code to my application?

AYes. However it is provide "As is".
For more details, refer "LICENCE.txt" for each sample application.

QCan I get the StarterKit without the device?

ANo, please get it after purchansing the device.

QWhat is included in the Communication Specification for developers?

ARelevant standards, brief communication sequence, setting data of BLE specification, etc.